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"An Alternative To Ankle Monitors" - Joplin, MO

Channel KSN16 recently spoke with officials in Joplin, Missouri about the success of the RePath program.

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A key quote from the story:

"When they realize this is something that's helping me out, they see a benefit in it. 'Hey, I have someone holding me accountable.' I've been thanked, believe it or not."

- Larry Stout, Jasper County Pretrial Release Program

RePath In Missouri

During a one-year pilot in St. Louis County, RePath helped reduce pre-trial jail days by more than 60%, leading to some incredible outcomes:

  • 400+ fewer individuals jailed daily
  • 150,000+ jail days saved
  • $3.9 million in savings in county reimbursements

Due to the success of the St. Louis County pilot, RePath has been rolled out to courts all across Missouri.

Want to learn more about RePath? Book a demo to see the software in action.

Read The Full Transcript:

Well, technology is giving a local court system more options to keep track of suspects released from custody. Action 12's Gretchen Bollander gives us a look.

It's a form of electronic monitoring, but instead of using a traditional option like an ankle monitor, this is an app downloaded on a suspect's phone called RePath.

One of the options is just a basic court reminder, reminding them that they need to come to court just like we do when we get dentist appointment or doctor's appointments. Very similar in nature. The next step is curfew. Restricting the times someone can be out and about. 

The most restrictive level uses GPS and biometrics. Periodically throughout the day, it sends a notification to the phone that they need to take a picture of themselves. If they don't, obviously that's a violation.

The app can set exclusions based on the alleged crime.

It could be an alleged victim, possibly, "Hey, we don't want you contacting this person." It could be their house. It could be a business. It could be... What will often happen, the judge will even say, "Hey, you're allowed to only go to work and to see your attorney."

It's only for nonviolent offenders with sometimes surprising results.

When they realize this is something that's helping me out, they see a benefit in it. "Hey, I have someone holding me accountable." I've been thanked, believe it or not.

And the benefit can extend beyond an individual's court case. Think a recovering drug addict.

Especially when they're first in recovery and they're also involved in the criminal justice system, they have to relearn how to live. And having those systems that keep them accountable for where they are. There's exclusion zones that if they go to, we know immediately they're excluded.

There are currently about three dozen individuals in the Jasper County program. Reporting in Joplin, I'm Gretchen Volander, Action 12 News.


Help people navigate the criminal justice system

The RePath App electronically assists individuals through the criminal justice process. Agencies can choose from multiple supervision levels dependent on their specific needs.